And Just For Fun Here Are Four Facts Most People Dont Know About Tequila:
The Tahona Process Is As Crafty As It Gets
Tequila can be as artisan as the most artisany crafty tiny spirit out there. Even if its made by a big producer. See, tequila is made by steaming and crushing those massive piñas. One way those piñas can be crushed is the Tahona processbasically dragging a massive volcanic wheel over the steamed agave hearts. Traditionally, and in at least one place, still done by donkey. If use of a donkey isnt artisan, we dont know what is.
Indulge Your Indoor Plant With Sun
Ironically, blue agaves are slow-growing plants, so you wont have to worry about transplanting it often to a larger container. Start with a pot that is about 2 inches larger than the root ball, A Natural Curiosity advises. Then, watch for three signs that it may need a larger home in a cactus mix or potting soil with perlite or pumice: The soil dries out rapidly, the roots shoot out the bottom of the pot or its been two years or more since it was last potted.
Though technically not a cactus, your tequila plant may act like one. It is a sun worshiper, so place it in the sunniest spot you can find and in a warm room free of drafts. If you can, move it outdoors from spring to fall so it can absorb as much natural light as possible.
Since your plant is growing in a container, it may need watering more often than one outdoors, but you should abstain from plying it with water until the soil is dry to the touch. Fertilize it once a month during the growing season with plant food formulated for cacti but remember the cacti mantra: Less is more.
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Tequila Does Not Cause A Hangover
It depends. It is said that a 100% agave tequila, if taken neat, does not cause a hangover the next day. Some factors that influence the effects of hangovers have to do with the amount and frequency of alcohol consumed.
Finally, if someone tells you that an authentic tequila can be made anywhere in the world where agave grows, it is a lie. The tequila has to be Mexican as its Denomination of Origin indicates it. It is produced in Jalisco, in addition to certain regions of Nayarit, Michoacán, Guanajuato and Tamaulipas.
Different Types Of Tequila
There are three classes of tequila, and all are based on the aging involved. Aging generally occurs in barrels
Blanco tequila is clear, crisp and un-aged. It is bottled shortly after being distilled.
Joven is Blanco tequila mixed with aged tequila OR aged for a couple weeks prior to being bottled.
Reposado tequila is aged between 2-months and 1-year, depending on the distillery. It does not have as sharp a taste as blanco.
Añejo is aged between one and three years.
Extra Añejo is aged for three years or more. This classification is a more recent addition.
The ‘purest’ tequila is made of with 100% agave sugars. There are many variations with different percentages of blue agave sugar. This is something you may want to check when you think you got a good deal on a bottle of tequila.
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Is Tequila Made From Cactus
Tequila is made from the agave, pronounced Uh-Gah-Vee. Despite its spiky appearance the agave is not a cactus but a succulent plant with a botanical classification closely related to the sansevieria, yucca and amaryllis, part of the Century plant family and the genus Agavaceae.
The Truth About Tequila That Is Made Outside Of Mexico
The rise of tequila is causing the emergence of beverages made from agave with a similar process or products that have a tequila flavor but cannot be legally called tequila.
Tequila is the most popular Mexican alcoholic beverage in the world. The distillate is very popular in the United States, it is the number one buyer abroad, followed by Germany, according to statistics from the Tequila Regulatory Council.
Such is the rise of tequila and the business it represents, that even famous Americans have decided to venture into the tequila industry, the most recent and controversial case is that of Kendall Jenner, who after the launch of her 818 tequila received harsh criticism and has been singled out for cultural appropriation.
A non-Mexican person can have their own brand of tequila, as long as all the legal requirements that protect authentic tequila, one of the beverages in Mexico that have a Denomination of Origin , are met. The protection granted by said denomination involves different aspects, among which the extraction, production and elaboration of tequila stand out.
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How To Drink Tequila And Mezcal
Although drinking tequila shots is a very popular activity, and there is some debate about the “correct” way to shoot it , tequila connoisseurs say that it is a complete waste to shoot a fine tequila or mezcal, and they recommend that it be sipped, either alone or with sangrita, a mixture of tomato, orange juice and lime juice, spiced with chili powder.
What Cactus Is Used To Make Tequila
What cactus is used to make tequila? Tequila can only be made from the blue agave, or agave tequilana, but mezcal can be made from over 30 varieties of agave .
What cactus is tequila made from? Pulque. listen) Classical Nahuatl: metoctli), or octli, is an alcoholic beverage made from the fermented sap of the maguey plant. It is traditional in central Mexico, where it has been produced for millennia.
What cactus makes alcohol? Tequila is made from the Weber blue agave plant, or agave tequilana, which is a large succulent with long, spiked leaves similar to aloe vera. Within the core of the blue agave plant is a bulb called the piña. This bulb is baked and juiced, and the juice is fermented with yeast in barrels to make tequila.
Can a cactus survive root rot? Prune your cactus to save it from rot. Overwatering is the primary cause of cactus rot in the home garden. If you notice that your plant has begun to get mushy, act quickly and you may be able to remedy the problem. Even cacti rotted all the way down to the soil line can bounce back with proper care.
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Tequila Is Just For Shots: False
Tequila shots, with salt and a lime wedge, are part of our collective drinking unconscious. So much so, it feels like theres no other way to enjoy tequila.But expert bartenders say that you should allow the flavors of your tequila to open up, like a fine wine or scotch. Its much more common in Mexico to sip your tequila slowly the shot with lime and salt is primarily an American practice.
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All Tequila Tastes The Same
False. In the Valley of Jalisco the highest temperatures and more precipitations it is associated with a drier style of tequila. The floors are ash-colored.
While in the Highlands, the soils are rich in iron and very red, which produces sweeter and more fruity tequilas. Because it is cooler and drier in the highlands, agave matures for a longer period. Agave pineapples have a higher sugar level because they get bigger, explains Chantal Martineau, the author of How The Gringos Stole Tequila in First We Feast.
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Tequila And Mezcal Bottling Difference
- Blancoor Silver: tequila that is bottled immediately after distillation or aged for fewer than two months in stainless steel or neutral oak barrels
- Joven:mezcal that is bottled immediately after distillation or aged for fewer than two months
- Reposado: tequila or mezcal thats been rested in oak for a minimum of two months but less than a year in oak barrels
- Añejo: tequila or mezcal thats been aged for between one and three years in oak barrels
- Extra Añejo: extra aged tequila or mezcal thats been aged for a minimum of three years in oak barrels
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Real Tequila Has A Worm In The Bottle
False. There are some typical worms from agave plants that used to get into the process. But today, this should not happen.
However, you can enjoy the chinicuiles that grow in the roots of agave plants and the maguey worms that are larvae that live inside the leaves of the agave salmiana in some dish of Mexican gastronomy, in sauces or seasoned and in tacos.
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Labeling And Bottling By Hand At La Altea
From planting the hijuelos to labeling the bottles, every step at La Alteña Distillery is done by hand. This is what makes Villa Lobos tequila so beautiful and unique. Each bottle is inspected , signed and numbered by hand by the bottling line manager of the day.
Each and every detail is carried out by hand
Is Agave A Cactus No But They Are Similar Heres How
If you stumbled over here confused about whether or not agave plants are a type of cactus and belong to the cactus family lets do a quick jump to the end of the book and give you the spoiler: no, they are not.
Agaves and cacti certainly are not one in the same. Agaves are not cacti, agaves dont belong to the cactus family. None of these things are true.
That being said if you arrived here feeling your curiosity hasnt been explained away, and are wondering why you might have thought the two types of plants belonged together in the same category Im here to tell you thinking agaves and cacti somehow belong together isnt an uncommon thing.
I have a feeling a lot of people who have this intuition, of the two types of plants being a part of the same family, typically have it for the two very same reasons a lot of people seem to believe aloe vera plants might be a type of cactus .
What are these two reasons?
Reason 1 Agaves and cacti are both succulents. So while they dont belong to the same family of plants, they come from the same part of the family tree, so to speak. Cacti and agaves are both succulents in much the same way as cats and dogs are both mammals.
Are cats and dogs the same kind of mammal? No, but because they are both mammals they have a lot of similarities. Same goes for agaves and cacti both being types of succulents, albeit not the same kind of succulent.
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What Is The Main Ingredients Of Tequila
Premium Tequilas are made from 100% blue agave, while lower-end tequilas, called mixtos, typically contain 51% agave with the remaining made up of molasses, corn syrup or other sugars. Translation: The name is derived from the Mexican town of Tequila, which lies to the northwest of the major city of Guadalajara.
What Is The Smoothest Tequila
Here are the best sipping tequilas our experts recommend to drink right now.
- Best Highlands: El Tesoro Reposado.
- Best for Beginners: Casamigos Blanco.
- Best Under $30: Espolòn Reposado.
- Best Under $50: Cazadores Añejo.
- Best Splurge: Don Ramón Limited Edition Extra Añejo.
- Best Gift: Casa Dragones Añejo Barrel Blend.
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Are Tequila And Mezcal The Same Thing
All tequila is mezcal, but not all mezcal is tequila. Mezcal labeled tequila must be distinguished by location , production and choice of plant . The tequila designation can be attributed to Don Cenobio Sauza, who is notable for two accomplishments: 1.) He personally defended his agave plantation against a hoard of bandits, and 2.) he singled out the blue agave as the variety of agave most suited for tequila production. Though the Mexican government wouldn’t officially define acceptable tequila ingredients until much later on, distillers in the Tequila region followed Sauza’s lead. And as the drink became more refined, its popularity grew. By 1906, according to official records, eight-million gallons of tequila were produced a year in Jalisco.
Mexicans really began identifying with tequila during and after the 1910 revolution, which saw the overthrow of Porfirio Diaz and a subsequent surge in national pride. Not only did Mexicans drink more tequila during and after the revolution, but the romantic tales of hard-partying revolutionaries that drifted across the border enhanced the drink’s romantic mystique in the United States.
Agaves & Cacti Both Have Thorns Spikes Prickles Or Spines On Them
The presence of those prickles or thorns on agaves make them reminiscent of cacti, whose main feature in my opinion is those aggressive spines.
What sets them apart? How can you tell agaves and other succulents with spiky bits are not actually cacti, but rather different types of succulents that dont belong to the cactus family?
David Beaulieu for The Spruce points out these helpful differences that you can spot:
- Cactus plants generally have few or no leaves.
- Cacti are distinguished from the rest of the succulents by the rounded indentations along their stems. These are modified buds called areoles. From the areoles spring the spines for which cacti are best known.
So unlike an agave, which is pretty well near all leaf, cacti have few or no leaves whatsoever.
Second visual difference: a cactus plants areoles, which are rounded indentations in cacti that spring spines .
So unlike agaves, where the really spiky bits of the plant line the sides of the leaves , cactus spines come from indentations in their stems, the areoles, making them visually a little different.
If you look closely for these indentations on a plant and notice the spines come from them, this difference alone should be able to tell whether the plant is a cactus or not. Indentations exist and spines come from them? Likely a cactus. Spines on a leaf? Probably a different type of succulent, one thats not a cactus, but that has thorns making it look more visually similar to a cactus nonetheless.
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Other Plants Sometimes Mistaken For Cacti Or Agaves
As I mentioned in the intro, aloe vera plants are another type of succulent frequently mistaken to be a cactus. And honestly, if youre looking to be able to tell the difference between an aloe and an agave, its a lot harder than telling the difference between a cactus and another type of succulent.
There is a rule of thumb, however. For an explanation of the difference between an aloe and an agave, Ill direct you to a quote from Home Guides from this article written by Susan Peterson:
The leaves of the aloe are fleshy. For example, if you break open one of the leaves of an aloe vera plant, it will ooze its valued clear gel. Agaves, by contrast, are more fibrous. Though they do store water in their leaves, as do all succulents, agaves are shot through with tough, stringy fibers.
So based on this description, and based on my experience, its a little harder to spot but youre looking for rounder, more fleshy looking leaves and if you see those, youre probably looking at an aloe plant.
Versus agaves which have flatter, thinner leaves still incredibly fleshy in comparison to non-succulents, but not as fleshy, rounded, and plump looking as an aloe plants leaves.
I do think the more you look at pictures of aloes and agaves, the more you can see it, but again, its really not as easy to spot as the difference between cacti and other succulents, at least not in my opinion.
An Agave Is Not A Cactus
Agave is more famous for whats is not rather than what it is.
People think that is a type of cactus, in fact is not.
Often confused for a cactus while it is prickly and lives in the desert, although agaves are not cactifamily, theyre a whole separate type of plant from a different clade.
Tequila can only be made from the blue agave or agave tequilana, but mezcal can be made from over 30 varieties of agave
Agaves produce sap and can use to make Pulquea fermented, alcoholic beverage that predates tequila by a few millennia.
This fermentation derives from the sap or Aguamiel.
Agave or Maguey in Mexico was cultivated, roasted, and consumed about 8000 years ago from the archeological font.
Mayahuel, the Nahuatl goddess of agave, served pulque from her 400 breasts.
She dated Quetzalcoatl for a while.
Mayahuel was not a cactus either.
There is a lot of variety in the agave genus.
There are large stiff specimens that can grow to 20 feet in diameter, small dish-sized, and also agave plants with soft leaves and no spines.
Although most do have leaves that end in a sharp point.
One large agave is all that is needed to make a sculptural focal point.
Just make sure there is plenty of room to walk around it, so no one gets stabbed.
An agave only reproduces once, right before it dies.
The process of reproducing onceflowering, setting seedsand dying.
It is called monocarpy.
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